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2020-02-19 20:47:20
第一章 Fundamentals
第1节 Sets and Subsets
第2节 Operations on Sets:Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
第2节 Operations on Sets:Operations on Sets
第2节 Operations on Sets:Venn Diagrams
第3节 Sequences : Represent Sets and Perform Set Operations in a Computer
第3节 Sequences : Sequences
第4节 Division in the Integers Euclidean Algorithm and Bezout's Equation
第4节 Division in the Integers Division in the Integers
第5节 Matrices Boolean Matrices
第6节 Mathematical Structures Mathematical Structures
第二章 Logic
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations Propositions and Logical Operations
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations Translating Natural Language into Logical Expressions
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations Translating Natural Language into predicate formulas
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations 刘铎老师——inference in predicate calculus
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations 刘铎老师——predicate and quantifiers
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations 刘铎老师——predicate formulas and classification1
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations 刘铎老师——Resolation
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations Equivalent Calculus in Propositional Logic
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations Inference in Propositional Logic 3
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations Normal Form ( I )
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations Normal Form ( II )
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations Propositional Formulas and Classification
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations 竞赛题目
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations 说谎人与妖魔戒指
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations 新裙子的颜色
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations 早餐吃的什么
第1节 Propositions and Logical Operations Equivalent Calculus in Predicate Logic
第2节 Quantifiers and First Order Logic 刘铎老师——前束范式
第2节 Quantifiers and First Order Logic 逻辑程序设计语言PROLOG
第三章 Counting
第1节 Permutations Permutations (I)
第1节 Permutations Permutations (II)
第1节 Permutations Multiplication Principle and Addition Principle
第2节 Combinations Combinations (I)
第2节 Combinations Combinations (II)
第3节 Pigeonhole Principle Pigeonhole Principle
第4节 Recurrence Relations Recurrence Relations
第4节 Recurrence Relations 分形
第4节 Recurrence Relations 汉诺塔 与 谢尔宾斯基三角形
第4节 Recurrence Relations Characteristic Equation
第4节 Recurrence Relations Fibonacci Sequence
第4节 Recurrence Relations Generating Function
第4节 Recurrence Relations Hanoi Tower
第四章 Relations and Digraphs
第1节 Product Sets and Partitions Partitions
第1节 Product Sets and Partitions Product Sets
第2节 Relations and Digraphs In-degree and Out-degree
第2节 Relations and Digraphs Relations and Digraphs
第2节 Relations and Digraphs Relative Set
第2节 Relations and Digraphs Domain and Range
第3节 Paths in Relations and Digraphs Paths in Relations and Digraphs1
第3节 Paths in Relations and Digraphs Paths in Relations and Digraphs2
第3节 Paths in Relations and Digraphs 刘铎老师——分油问题
第3节 Paths in Relations and Digraphs 刘铎老师——过河问题
第4节 Properties of Relations Counting of Special Relations
第4节 Properties of Relations 刘铎老师——properties of Relations --Reflexivity
第4节 Properties of Relations 刘铎老师——properties of relations -symmetry
第4节 Properties of Relations 刘铎老师——properties of relations -transitivity
第5节 Equivalence Relations Equivalence Relations ( I )
第5节 Equivalence Relations Equivalence Relations ( II )
第6节 Computer Representation of Relations and Digraphs Computer Representation of Relations
第7节 Operations on Relations Closure
第7节 Operations on Relations Transitive Closure
第7节 Operations on Relations 刘铎老师——operations on relations 1
第7节 Operations on Relations 刘铎老师——operations on relations 2
第7节 Operations on Relations 刘铎老师——operations on relations 3
第7节 Operations on Relations 刘铎老师——operations on relations 4
第8节 Transitive Closure and Warshall’s Algorithm Warshall’s Algorithm
第8节 Transitive Closure and Warshall’s Algorithm Warshall算法纸上作业法
第五章 Functions
第1节 Functions Function
第1节 Functions Invertible Function
第1节 Functions Special Types of Functions
第1节 Functions Composition of Functions
第六章 Order Relations and Structures
第1节 Partially Ordered Sets Hasse Diagrams
第1节 Partially Ordered Sets Partially Ordered Sets
第1节 Partially Ordered Sets Product Partial Order and Lexicographic Order
第2节 Extremal Elements of Partially Ordered Sets Greatest and Least Element
第2节 Extremal Elements of Partially Ordered Sets LUB and GLB
第2节 Extremal Elements of Partially Ordered Sets Maximal and Minimal Elements
第2节 Extremal Elements of Partially Ordered Sets Topology Ordening
第2节 Extremal Elements of Partially Ordered Sets Upper Bound and Lower Bound
第3节 Lattices Lattices
第3节 Lattices 信息流的安全格模型
第七章 Trees
第1节 Trees Trees
第2节 Labeled Trees Labeled Trees
第2节 Labeled Trees Huffman coding
第2节 Labeled Trees Prefix Codes
第3节 Tree Searching Tree Traversal
第3节 Tree Searching Doubly-Chained Tree
第4节 Undirected Trees Undirected Trees
第5节 Minimal Spanning Trees MST
第5节 Minimal Spanning Trees Prim's Algorithm
第5节 Minimal Spanning Trees Kruskal's Algorithm
第5节 Minimal Spanning Trees Reverse-Delete Algorithm
第5节 Minimal Spanning Trees Boruvka's Algorithm
第八章 Topic in Graph Theory
第1节 Graphs Subgraph
第1节 Graphs Path, Circuit and Bridge
第1节 Graphs Special Graphs
第1节 Graphs Graph Isomorphism
第1节 Graphs Graphs and Disgraphs
第1节 Graphs Handshake Theorem
第1节 Graphs Subgraph 2
第2节 Euler Paths and Circuits Eulerian paths and circuits
第2节 Euler Paths and Circuits 刘铎老师——Fleury 's Algorithm
第2节 Euler Paths and Circuits 刘铎老师——中国邮路问题
第3节 Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits Knight's Tour
第3节 Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits Memory Wheel
第3节 Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits Traveiing Saiesman Problem
第3节 Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits 刘铎老师——Characterizaztion of Hamiltonian Graphs
第3节 Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits 刘铎老师——Hamiltonian paths and circuits
第4节 Single-Source Shortest Paths 刘铎老师——Single-source Shortest paths
第5节 Planar Graph Dual Graph
第5节 Planar Graph Euler's Formula
第5节 Planar Graph Planar Graph
第6节 Graph Coloring Welsh–Powell algorithm
第6节 Graph Coloring Graph Coloring
第6节 Graph Coloring 刘铎老师——Four color Theorem_1
第6节 Graph Coloring Ramsey Number
第7节 Network Flow Network Flow
第九章 Groups
第1节 Binary Operations Revisited Binary Operation and Operation Table
第2节 Groups 刘铎老师——braid
第2节 Groups 刘铎老师——Wallpaper Group
第2节 Groups Groups